How To Start A Food Blog in 7 Steps

Have you ever browsed food blogs like mine and wondered how to start a food blog of your very own? Do you have some amazing recipes to share, or some food stories from around the world?

You could also have some spare time and you want to do something productive, connect with the wider world, and share your thoughts and ideas to the masses of foodies out there.

How To Start A Food Blog in 7 Steps

I’ve been running my food blog for a few years now and I love it! Being able to share my love for food with the world and tell my stories is an amazing feeling.

Starting a food blog is actually a lot easier than you might think. Even for those who aren’t the most naturally gifted when it comes to technology or the internet, you can follow these steps and be up and running with just an evening’s work.

Here we’ll go through all the steps you need to start your very own food blog.

Step One – Planning how to start a food blog

The quickest but most important step to starting your food blog is to make sure you have the time to commit to the blog, and enough ideas to regularly contribute

Step Two – Choosing a domain (and blog name!)

This is one the more difficult choices to make, and one of the hardest to change down the line if you aren’t happy with your first decision.

Step Three – Choosing your blogging platform

Straight off the bat, I’m going to recommend that you use the platform. Most domain providers have this as their standard option when you look for hosting or bundled with domain names.

Step Four – Setting up your new blog

Please note: This step is based on selecting as your blogging platform. If you are using another platform you can skip to Step Six.

Step Five – Choosing a Theme

You may have noticed that your website straight after its installation looks very…bare. Nothing like all the fancy designed blogs you’ve seen before.

Step Six – Content, Content, and More Content!

Now you’ve chosen your theme and set it up just how you want it, the time has come to start writing those posts…almost!

Step Seven – Growing Your Audience

The more you write and share your food inspirations and stories, the more you’ll feel like they deserve more eyes, and rightly so!